New Non Fiction: Interesting facts, Noodlemania and Greek Mythology strikes again!

Noodlemania!: 50 Playful Pasta Recipes.

Forget two minute noodles. Check out Noodlemania. This cool book contains 50 playful pasta recipes that make dinnertime more fun and gives you an excuse to play with your food. This book has been cleverly written as the author, Melissa Barlow adds twists to dishes to indeed make them playful, for example making robots out of macaroni and pretzels, etc. However my personal favorites were making ladybugs (or ladybirds as we call them) out of tomatoes and black olives, making gnomes out of hard boiled eggs and tomatoes and purple pasta monsters… You have to read the recipe to find out how to make them, (one key ingredient being purple food coloring) This is one book you will go noodle crazy over!




How to be a dinosaur hunter : your globe-trotting, time-travelling guide.

Well Lonely Planet, you have done it again by releasing another awesome book! (not for parents.) Kids this is your chance to read everything you need to know about being a young explorer (and perhaps the next Bear Grylls), how to become a famous dinosaur hunter, covering what it was like in the age of the dinosaur, what clues to look for and what equipment to pack, Danger ratings show which dinos are safe to approach and which will eat you for lunch!

Another brand new read from the Country Series Book from Lonely Planets that  is not a guidebook and it is definitely not for parents. Great for ages 8 to 11 years. Also check out Not for Parents U.S.A. Everything you ever wanted to know.



The Odyssey.

You are in for a treat with the retelling of Homer’s The Odyssey, one of the greatest stories of  Greek mythology and literature of all time. Read all the exciting and thrilling adventures of the hero of the story, Odysseus as he faces a storm, shipwreck, terrifying monsters and the fury of the gods as he journeys home after the Trojan war. The question on everyone’s lips is will he ever make home and what happens when he does? In order to find out, you have to read the book.

You might also be interested in reading The Adventures of Achilles by Hugh Lupton, Daniel Morden and Carole Henaff.

Think Again.

This book with definitely make you THINK AGAIN about everything you thought you knew, but most importantly gives you all the gives you account of all the TRUE facts  about all the body bloopers, animal errors, science slip-ups, historic howlers, world wonders,  blunders and perhaps even some facts you may not find in Ripley’s Believe it or not and Guinness World Records. This book will also be good for homework and research as it covers curriculum-linked subject areas.

Also check out Ripley’s Believe It or Not Special Edition 2014 and Guinness World Records 2014.




Greek Myths Stories of Sun, Stone and Sea.

This book brings to life ten of the greatest stories from the world of Greek mythology starring meschievous gods and goddesses, brave heroes and heroines, and amazing magical animals. Read all about how spirited girls like Atalanta who can run faster than all her unwanted suitors only to be tricked by three golden apples,  the goddess Athena challenging the over-proud Arachne to a weaving contest and the deeds of heroes, such as Perseus’s killing of the Gorgon Medusa and rescuing the princess Andromeda from a dragon by turning it to stone.  This book also features the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. This is a treasure that will be enjoyed by kids of all ages.




Richard Hammond’s great mysteries of the world.

Are you a fan of mysteries of the world and  Richard Hammond? Well, you are going to love this book. Richard Hammond’s great mysteries of the world gives the low down of some of the greatest mysteries around the world and a crash course on how to an world explorer. Prepare to be taken on a journey to discover the truth behind the world’s strangest occurrences, explore the ancient pyramids, stonehenge and the Bermuda Triangle, hunt for werewolves, vampires, aliens and the Abominable Snowman. Overall this is a great book for all ages. A great resource to use for history homework and assignments.

Top 10 DVDs for January

Looking for some last minute school holiday DVDs before going back to school? Here are the most popular DVDs for January – why not choose one of these?

1. My little pony, friendship is magic series

2. Strawberry Shortcake series

3. Dino Dan series

4. Dinosaur train series

5. Ninjago, masters of Spinjitzu series

6. Shaun the sheep series

7. Epic

8. Monsters University

9. Despicable me

10. Arthur Christmas


Top 10 non-fiction for December

Here are the most popular non-fiction books for 2013. These make great school holiday reading, grab one for the Xmas break!

1. Ripley’s believe it or not! by Rosie Alexander (new edition available now!)

2. The LEGO book by Daniel Lipkowitz

3. Star Wars character encyclopedia by Simon Beecroft

4. The great prehistoric search by Jane Bingham

5. Roald Dahl’s marvellous joke book by Roald Dahl

6. The horrible history of the world series by Terry Deary

7. Star wars, the clone wars by Jason Fry

8. Art detective by Doris Kutschbach

9. Guinness world records 2014 by Craig Glenday

10. Amazing giant dinosaurs by Marie Greenwood


Top 10: DVDs for November

Looking for something to watch? Try one of these, the top 10 most popular DVDs for November. (Actually, just for fun, this month we’ll post the top 24 DVDs – lots to chose from!)

1. Strawberry Shortcake series

2. Dino Dan series

3. Ninjago, masters of Spinjitzu series

4. The cat in the hat knows a lot about that! series

5. My little pony, friendship is magic series

6. Dinosaur train series

7. Thomas & friends series

8. The Garfield show series

9. Babar and the adventures of Badou series

10. Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated series

11. Hotel Transylvania

12. Wreck-It Ralph 

13. Escape from planet Earth

14. The little mermaid 

15. Rise of the guardians 

16. Brave

17. Ice age

18. Madagascar

19. Shaun the sheep series

20. Oz the great and powerful

21. The Avengers, Earth’s mightiest heroes! series

22. Arthur Christmas

23. Horrid Henry

24. Room on the broom



Top 10: Non-Fiction for November

Here are the most popular non-fiction books for November. Grab them while they’re hot!

1. Star Wars by David Reynolds West

2. Ripley’s believe it or not! by Rosie Alexander

3. Guinness world records 2014 by Craig Glenday

4. Art detective by Doris Kutschbach

5. The LEGO book by daniel Lipkowitz

6. Guinness world records 2013 by Craig Glenday

7. Wow! Dinosaur by Douglas Palmer

8. The vicious Vikings by Terry Deary

9. Animal record breakers by Steve Parker

10. The Usborne big book of big ships by Minna Lacey


Top 10 DVDs for October

I know the weather’s getting nicer, but it’s still fun to curl up inside with a good DVD every so often. Chose one of these – they’re the most popular for October:

1. Dino Dan

2. Strawberry Shortcake

3. Ninjago, masters of Spinjitzu

4. The cat in the hat knows a lot about that!

5. Dinosaur train

6. Thomas & friends

7. The Garfield show

8. My little pony, friendship is magic

9. Babar and the adventures of Badou

10. The Avengers, Earth’s mightiest heroes


Top 10 Non-Fiction for October

Impress your friends and family with awesome factoids by checking out October’s most popular non-fiction:

1 Star Wars by David West Reynolds

2 The horrible history of the world by Terry Deary

3 The LEGO book by Daniel Lipkowitz

4 Ripley’s believe it or not! by Rosie Alexander

5 The Usborne big book of big machines by Minna Lacey

6 Big book of papercraft Fiona Watt

7 Amazing giant dinosaurs Marie Greenwood

8 Pokemon ultimate handbook by Cris Silvestri

9 See inside the First World War by Rob Lloyd Jones

10 The girls’ book of crafts & activities by James Mitchem


Top 10 DVDs for September

School holidays are here! Looking for something to watch? Here are the most popular DVDs for September 2013…

1. Dino Dan TV series

2. Strawberry Shortcake TV series

3. Ninjago, masters of Spinjitzu TV series

4. The cat in the hat knows a lot about that! TV series

5. Dinosaur train TV series

6. My little pony, friendship is magic TV series

7. Thomas & friends TV series

8. The Garfield show TV series

9. Babar and the adventures of Badou TV series

10. Ice age movie series


Top 10 Non-fiction for September

Here are the most popular non-fiction books for September 2013.  Lots of space, dinosaurs and history – cool!

1. Star Wars by David West Reynolds

2. The Kingfisher space encyclopedia by Mike Goldsmith

3. The horrible history of the world by Terry Deary

4. Guinness world records 2013 by Craig Glenday

5. Amazing giant dinosaurs by Marie Greenwood

6. Wow! dinosaur by Douglas Palmer

7. Beastly best bits by Terry Deary

8. Guinness world records 2012 by Craig Glenday

9. The wimpy kid movie diary Jeff Kinney

10. The LEGO book by Daniel Lipkowitz


Top 10 DVDs for August

Here are the most popular DVDs for August. Something to watch in the upcoming school holidays, maybe…?

1. Dino Dan series

2. Strawberry Shortcake series

3. The cat in the hat knows a lot about that! series

4. Ninjago, masters of Spinjitzu series

5. Dinosaur train series

6. Thomas & friends series

7. The Garfield show series

8. My little pony, friendship is magic series

9. Babar and the adventures of Badou series

10. The Avengers, Earth’s mightiest heroes