New club for young book lovers

Calling all book lovers aged 9-13 years old…

The Children’s Bookshop in Kilbirnie is starting a book club for tweens on 7th June.

Meeting on the first Friday of every month 4-5pm, the group will discuss a different genre each time (the kids choose their own books to discuss). There will be games, quizzes and prizes, plus we’ll even lay on hot chocolate in the winter months. The club members will get a $20 shop voucher for every 5 meetings they attend. A great way of getting everyone to read outside their beloved genres…

To sign up ( free of charge) drop by the Children’s Bookshop at Shop 26 Kilbirnie Plaza Kilbirnie Wellington (Phone: 04 3873905 and email:





It’s not all that often you come to the library and have to put your hand in cold spagetti! (it represented the worms in a dead body!!!!!) But that’s what happened at the Bookseekers meeting when we had been reading Mysteries. It was during a gross game picking what (fake) body parts we were feeling while blindfolded! YUK!
That’s the fun of the BookSeekers club- not only are we being challenged to read different types of books, we are doing it together so can talk about whats good, what’s lame and what’s just plain stupid.


Plus we get to have some fun relating to the topic of the books like we did a “comic jam” when we read graphic novels! I look forward to the meeting each month to see who recommends a book or author I haven’t read before. I now have some new favourites. Great club!


BookSeekers rule!


Check out the club nearest you! BookSeekers is on the second Wednesdays and Thursdays of every month.