Calling all BookSeekers!


Get along to your local BookSeekers club over the next couple of weeks at a library near you. All 9-12 year olds are welcome.

Thursday 8th July 4pm: Johnsonville and Kilbirnie Libraries

Tuesday 13th July 4pm: Central, Brooklyn and Karori Libraries

Wednesday 14th July 4pm: Tawa Library


Find BookSeekers stuff here and here and the online review form here.

BookSeekers is a FREE book club for 9 to 12 year olds that meets once a month to discuss books and do activities and challenges

June BookSeekers

Attention all BookSeekers! Your June meetings are almost here!


Tuesday 8th June, 4-5pm: Central, Brooklyn and Karori Libraries

Wednesday 9th June, 4-5pm: Tawa Library

Thursday 10th June, 4-5pm: Kilbirnie and Johnsonville Libraries


Don’t forget to bring along- the latest books you’ve read, your friends, and a sense of humour. A big welcome to all BookBusters who have recently graduated too!

Check out the BookSeekers page for more info about BookSeekers. If you want to be sent an email or text message reminder about BookSeekers please fill inthe form found on the web page and hand in at your next BookSeekers club meeting.

Brooklyn BookSeeker’s Recommendations

How to Survive Summer Camp by Jacqueline Wilson

Review by Scarlett of Brooklyn

“So I take it you don’t want to go back after all?” “You must be joking I only just managed to survive it this time.” That’s Stella, a girl who just survived Evergreen holiday camp. Like any camps there are good bits and bad bits, in this book Stella gets in rather a lot of trouble with Miss Hamer-Cotton and loses a few points for the emerald team. Her room members Rachel and Louise are quite annoying and Stella doesn’t like them. I recommend this book, after you have read a chapter you can’t help but read another one. The best bit is when Stella has a chance to be the editor of a magazine. This book is suitable for the ages of 8-12. I would give it 10/10.



The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth Speare

Reviewed by Arwen of Brooklyn

This story is about a girl called Kit and how she got blamed to be a witch. This happened in 1687 in a Connecticut colony.

Kit is a girl who sailed from Barbados to the Connecticut colony to live with her Aunt and Uncle and two cousins because her grandfather died. She finds life in Connecticut hard because she grew up in Barbados and learnt how to swim and read and is regarded witch-like. She makes friend with a quaker suspected as a witch called Hannah. When Hannah is in danger of being put on trial , Kit and a boy called Nat take her onto a ship. A few days later Kit finds herself on trial instead.

I think it is not very fair that people should be put on trial and killed if they are innocent.

May BookSeekers



Hi BookSeekers!


The May meetings are coming up very soon…!

Tuesday 11th May 4-5pm: Central, Brooklyn and Karori Libraries

Wednesday 12th May 4-5pm: Mervyn Kemp (Tawa) Library

Thursday 13th May 4-5pm: Ruth Gotlieb (Kilbirnie) and Johnsonville Libraries


Anyone can join BookSeekers – a fun club for 9-12 year olds. Come along, bring your friends and get to see all the new and best books first! Go here for more info.




Hey!  It’s time  to get along to your library to hear about some great new books and chat about the cool books you’ve been reading. Whether you are already a BookSeeker or think that you’d like to be one, come along  and check out some great reading activities.


Thursday 8th April: Kilbirnie & Johnsonville

Tuesday 13th April : Brooklyn, Central & Karori

Wednesday 14th April : Tawa

Kids’ Review by Aaron

kidsreviewMarch_0510Spud by John van de Ruit


Spud is generally a book which will have you rolling around laughing about half the time. It follows John ‘Spud’ Milton as he spends his first year at an elite boys only private school. The adventures he has there are only to be described as absolutely and madly funny. But even outside school his family are a constant pain, with about everything possible going wrong for them.


Causing the most chaos at school are his house, nicknamed ‘the crazy eight’ (for good reason too!). The funniest (definitely!) book I’ve read. This is a great and appealing read for boys, and one I would highly recommend.


This is only the first book in the series and is being filmed as a movie because it is the fastest selling book in South Africa and I can see why! 5 stars.


Review by Aaron of Johnsonville

It’s BookSeekers Time!

Hey BookSeekers!

Club meetings for March are happening very soon…


Tuesday 9th March at 4pm: Central, Brooklyn and Karori Libraries

Wednesday 10th March at 4pm: Tawa Library

Thursday 11th march at 4pm: Kilbirnie and Johnsonville Libraries.


Don’t forget to bring along your favourite books and reviews. Bring your friends along – they can join too!




BookSeekers is a free book club run by Wellington City Libraries for 9-12 year olds. Go here for more information.

Spotlight on a library book club: BookSeekers

If you’re aged between 9 and 12 and you like talking about books with other people and having a bit of fun then BookSeekers is the thing for you.


BookSeekers clubs meet every month, talk about books, get the first word on hot new stuff to read, do activities and other book-related things.


It’s fun, it’s free, and it’s all about books. You can find out more about BookSeekers (when the meetings are, how to join) by checking out this information page, or you can ask about it the next time you go to the library.


See you soon!

BookSeekers! New Clubs!

Have you guy’s heard about the “choose your own adventure” books?They’re cool. You know all the times you read a book and think “if I was that character I wouldn’t be so dumb as to do that!” Well in the choose your own adventure books you decide what happens. You are the hero of the mission and as you make choices throughout the story , those decisions make the difference to whether you complete the mission or die!
My favourites are the I Hero series by Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore. Check it out.


Come see other cool books that we discuss at our BookSeekers club. BookSeekers is this week. Here are the new sites starting this week and the dates and times:

  • Brooklyn Library (Tuesdays)
  • Central Library (Tuesdays – NEW CLUB starting August 2009!)
  • Karori Library (Tuesdays)
  • Tawa Library (Wednesdays)
  • Ruth Gotlieb Library, Kilbirnie (Thursdays)
  • Johnsonville Library (Thursdays – NEW CLUB starting August 2009!)