Karori BookBuster Chief Reviews

Earwig and the Witch by Diana Wynne Jones – Full of mischief and magic, this is a wonderful story that is a little bit creepy and a lot entertaining!  Earwig is a little girl who lives in an orphanage, St Morwald’s Home for Children where she is very happy because everything runs just as she likes it.  One day Earwig is sent to live with a very odd couple, Bella Yaga and the Mandrake.  Earwig is made to work very hard by the woman who turns out to be a cruel witch.  But Earwig is clever and cunning, with the help of a talking cat, she conspires to teach herself magic spells in secret.. and teach that mean Bella Yaga a lesson while she’s at it!

The Chimney Corner Collection by Enid Blyton A wonderful collection of short stories full of fantasy and magic; mischivous gnomes, talking animals and curious kids.  The great thing about these stories are that they are short and sweet; they don’t take long to read but there are plenty to keep you going.  One of my favourites was about a silly little pixie named Miggle who liked to snooze all the time.  So much that one day he over-slept, missing a very important visit from the King and Queen.  But you will never guess what happens next!  His bed decides to wander to the Royal parade in the middle of town with Pixie Miggle still fast asleep in his pyjamas!  Oh dear..