Kid’s Review by Abishkar

Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George

Meet the castle that can build itself… and the children who will do anything to defend it!!

The Glower children are in turmoil – their parents (the king and the queen) and brother have been attacked by bandits and no one knows their whereabouts, of if indeed they’re alive. Now the castle is under seige from the inside by the Vervish Prince Khelsh.

Who can they trust…?

Princess Celie is a kind 11 year old. She is the Royal Princess of Sleyne and tries to do one of the hardest things in that mythical land: map Castle Glower. She is resourceful, brave and agile.

Castle Glower is extraordinary. It can do anything, like put walls in front of stairways, make slides down to the courtyard, put rooms in a row and much more. But can the castle survive the vicious onslaught of Khelsh who wants to take over?

Prince Khelsh is a mean, calculating, nasty, bullying, muderous person. His aim is take over the castle. Khelsh is hated by everyone, even his own dad!

It’s a really good book. Great for BookBusters. Great for anyone.

Review written by Abishkar from Island Bay Library BookBusters Abishkar rated Tuesdays at the Castle 9.5 out of 10!