Firecracking Time at Tawa

We had 15 very enthusiatic Bookbusters this November. While they were waiting they had the option of either, answering a Firecracker word search or a firecracker colouring in. We had a great start welcoming  our new bookbuster, Jacob.  Then Bookbuster Chief Fei, read the story The Firework-Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman.



We then proceeded to do our book reviews and 7 Bookbusters shared the books they had read. Then we did a poem and story writing activity about fireworks. We had fun listening to what we had written as we read it out loud.


We then broke out into 3 groups and had a thrilling game of putting a firework puzzle together. We tried to beat each other’s time but in the end we all finished at the same time.  We browsed through the books in the booklist and issued the ones we like. Everybody had an explosively fun time!

