Karori BookBusters November Meeting

This month we had a very special guest – local children’s book author and illustrator Ruth Paul.  We were very lucky to be given an inside look at how her picture books are created and Ruth also showed us some of the art she is working on for her next book – we’re looking forward to seeing the final product!  We began our session with some great reviews too – here are some of the books our BookBusters recommend:

The Secret of the Sirens by Julia Golding – This book is about a girl called Connie.  When she is at school, strange things start happening to her.  Some foxes start to follow her then she joins a group to fight evil spirits.  By Xandi

The Tygrine Cat by Inbali Iserles – This book is about cats and Egyptian mythology.  It is about a cat called Mati who finds out he is the Tygrine cat.  It is a very gripping book;  I couldn’t put it down!  By Xandi