Notorious Pirates

Francis L’Ollonais: The cruellest of the cruel pirates. The French buccaneer tortured his captives and cut them into little pieces.


Rock Braziliano: He was named after his long exile in Brazil. He was called “brutish” and “foolish”, and a drunkard. He once spit-roasted two Spanish farmers alive because they would not give him their pigs.


Batholomew Portugues: Once escaped from a prison ship by using wine jars for floats.


Sir Henry Morgan: The most famous of the buccaneers. He carried out merciless raids on Spanish colonies. In 1668 he forced the men of El Puerto del Principe in Cuba to surrender by threatening their children and wives. They were imprisoned in churches and starved while their village was pillaged. Despite his cruelty he was awarded an English knighthood and governorship of Jamaica.


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