Dragons: British Dragons

British Dragons are what we most commonly think of when we think of how dragons look. They were often four-legged and winged, though sometimes they had only two legs.

Their wings had membranes, like bats’ wings. And British Dragons had scales that were so hard that no weapon could pierce them, but their stomachs were soft and vulnerable. Sometimes they could even rejoin severed body parts!

The most common colour of the dragons was green. Their legs were muscular and they had strong claws for picking up and carrying off cows and sheep.

The British dragons were very poisonous. They spat venom at their victims rather than injecting them with their fangs. Their blood was poisonous and would kill people on contact. Even their breath was poisonous and would kill people with its fumes. They also breathed fire.

They lived in caves near water. British dragons had a nasty temperament. Each dragon picked on one small town or village. They would burn down houses and crops. They were fond of milk. They would eat cows, sheep and even people!

The library has heaps of books about dragons. Check out the kids’ catalogue for more.