Dragon names from around the world

Have you ever wished you could say “dragon” in Estonian? Or Finnish? Or Latin? Well here’s your chance. Here’s the word dragon in a whole lot of languages. If you’re interested in dragons, check out our kids’ catalogue for heaps of books, both fiction and non-fiction (if you love stories about dragons then check out our blog post here).


Afrikaans: draak
Arabic: tinneen
Armenian: vishap
Cantonese: loong
Chinese: long
Croatian: zmaj
Czech: draj
Danish: drage
Dutch: draak
French: dragon
Estonian: drakon
Finnish: lohikaarme
German: drache
Greek: drakont
Hebrew: tannin
Italian: drago
Japanese: ryo
Korean: yung
Latin: draco
Lithuanian: Drakonas
Mandarin: long
Norwegian: drake
Polish: smok
Portuguese: dragao
Russian: zmey
Spanish: dragon
Swedish: drake
Turkish: ejderha
Welsh: draig


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