BookBusters this week

We have tons of fun and games planned for you.  Read on to see what’s happening at your BookBuster club. If you’d like to find out more about our book club for 7-8year olds you can here.

Tuesday 5th October 4-5pm:

Island Bay will celebrate the commonwealth games with related activities.

Karori will look at mysteries/spy books this month with some mysteries solving activities.

Central will have a Commonwealth Games theme. There will be word finds and quizzes and other such activities.

Wednesday 6th October 4-5pm:

Mervyn Kemp Tawa will be looking at authors and favourite stories.

Thursday 7th October 4-5pm:

Johnsonville: invite you to put your training shoes. You are off to the Commonwealth Games.

Ruth Gotlieb Kilbirnie will be reading this,  Hello! and finding their book reviews from last month’s meeting.  We’ll also have a look at some cool kid’s comic books and graphic novels.