Samurai Kids

Have you met the Samurai Kids?

KYOKO is a white haired girl with pink eyes, six finger and six toes. Her spirit is the Snow Monkey.

MIKKO is a one-armed boy. His spirt is the Striped Gecko.

NIYA is the one-legged boy who narrates the story. His spirit is the White Crane.

YOSHI is the huge strong boy who doesn’t want to fight. His spirit is the tiger.

TAJI is the blind boy. His spirit is the Golden Bat.

NEZUME is the last boy to join the Cockroach Ryu. His spirit is the Long-tailed Rat.

SENSEI is the teacher. He is also known as Ki-Yaga the wizard. He was once a famous warrior.


Join Sensei and the Little Cockroaches as they embark on a perilous journey across the Sea of Japan to help the Shaolin monks. These books are full of danger and adventure and a great read. Check out the Samurai Kids series here.