Poisonous Stuff

Do you suffer from spheksophobia, arachnophobia or ophidiophobia? What should you do if you’re stung by a wasp and whose bite is more dangerous – Mr or Mrs Katipo’s? Learn the answers to all these perplexing questions and more by reading Poisonous Stuff. You need to watch your step in a world full of fangs, stingers and brightly coloured lures – but did you know that some poisons can actually be useful? Packed with toxic topics and creep-crawly quizzes, you can use the information in this book to frighten your friends and terrify your parents!

2 Responses

  1. Anonymous 24 February, 2010 / 7:46 am

    why is stuff so icky and why does it kill us ?

  2. debbie 24 February, 2010 / 11:07 am

    I know some things can be really “icky” but some of those creatures are really amazing and only have poisons to help them survive. Just remember that it’s very rare that a person dies from a poisonous bite and it’s usually our fault not theirs.

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