Karori BookBusters

We would like to share with you some of our  reviews from our August meeting. There will be more coming. Enjoy!


Milena reviewed Gobbolino, the Witch’s Cat. It’s about a witch’s cat that doesn’t want to be a witch’s cat. He goes to lots of people’s houses but everyone discovers that he is a witch’s cat. Milena rated it 100/100.




Ella reviewed Ella Enchanted. It’s about a girl that was cursed at birth, but the curse was meant to be a gift. Ella is 11 now and her mother dies in the story but it’s still a fantastic story. Ella (the BookBuster, not the character!) thinks it’s the best book she’s ever read.




Charlotte thought Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters is awesome. It’s about a boy called Percy. He’s a Demigod (half god/ half human).  Percy goes on a quest to find the golden sheep skin and meets a 100 eye giant. She gave it 10/10.




Madeline likes Harry Potter Books especially the first one: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. She said that it’s very good because Harry Potter finds out he’s a wizard and he has many adventures in this book and its sequels. She rated it 10/10.




Daniel thought that Guinness World Record 2008 is a great book with shining on the front and he likes all its cool and weird records.





Olivia likes Cookie by Jacqueline Wilson because it shows what it is like to have divorced parents and no friends. It makes Olivia feel like she was there at the time. Her favourite character is Beauty.




Andrew thinks the book Robots! Draw your own androids, cyborgs & fighting bots by Jay Stephens is an awesome drawing book for people who are into robots. He rated it 9/10.



Finn thought the book called Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredible Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the subsequent assault of the equally evil lunchroom zombie nerds) is very funny and he really enjoyed it.

1 Response

  1. Smith 11 August, 2010 / 9:57 pm


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