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Teen Blog

Reading, Wellington, and whatever else – teenblog@wcl.govt.nz

Tag: James Bond

Double O seven

The YA DVD collection will soon be somewhat expanded by the addition of almost all (maybe all; I’m too lazy to confirm) the James Bond films. They’re not quite in yet but you can reserve them – YA DVDs are 50c on a YA card, and reserves for ya’ll are free.

Here they are in our catalogue. If you’ve never seen any of the classic Bond films you really should, as they’re great fun.

Bond. Young Bond.

Young Bond is a free online game that will run until the 8th of October. It was started by Charlie Higson, the author of the Young Bond books (they’re in the children’s fiction section, but are also good for teens), to encourage reading. You can choose to be a British spy or a Soviet agent – although I think we know how that turned out. And the site has free downloads!