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Teen Blog

Reading, Wellington, and whatever else – teenblog@wcl.govt.nz

Tag: Competitions

NZTA Remix Competition

The New Zealand Transport Agency is running a competition for schools called “Safer Journeys for Teens” (more information right here) in which you can win cash prizes for your school. We noticed that one of the categories is “Literary Remix” in which you can mash up Shakespeare a bit in the context of traveling safely. If you’re interested in entering, come to the library for inspiration! We’ve got a selection of Shakespeare DVDs in the Young Adult collection (80c on a YA card), and also Cliffs Notes on Shakespeare (if you’re short on time). We also have the Complete Works (if you’re not). Enjoy remixing!

You’re all winners, really

We’ve some winners for a few recent competitions we ran. Hannah wins a copy of Sam Stern’s Cooking Up A Storm for her recipe;

Completely Unspecified Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Chocolate Chips, Milk, Baking Powder, Eggs (Remove shells if you feel that it is a good idea), Anchovies (No, that’s not a typo.), Salt, Sugar, Butter, Flour

Put as much as you want of basically everything in a bowl. The anchovies add a somewhat fishy quality to the mixture, so just remember that. Cook somehow. Don’t ask me how.
Failing that, just use the leftover milk and get the weetbix, sugar and the unlabelled can out of the pantry (Make sure it is fruit or something pleasantish before you slop it on your weetbix) and have that instead. Probably more nutritious at the very least.

Sounds delicious, doesn’t it?

And Melissa and Rachel have both won a library DVD voucher for completing our recent Magazine Selector. I will post them out sometime later! I promise!