Explore the world through photography: Books from Te Pātaka

The below photography books, showcasing the perspectives of artists and their interesting moments snapped, open the door to “seeing what’s invisible to others.” Enjoy iconic photographs from New York, Delhi, Beijing, Brighton, Havana, and Hamburger; these images, captured by world famous photographers, explore city streets, the surreal, the story of food and even pets!

Shop cats of New York / Arslanian, Tamar
“They inhabit New York City’s most legendary and coziest spots–the Algonquin Hotel, a whiskey distillery, Bleecker Street Records, bookstores, and bike shops. As true New Yorkers, they perch on wine crates, classic hotel countertop, and depending on their mood, they may ignore enthusiastic admirers or offer a few delightful purr.  Popular cat blogger and Instagram pet photographer capture these deeply loved and well cared for animals and reveal how they came to reign over the Big Apple.” (Adapted from the Catalogue)

Surreal photography : creating the impossible / Bowker, Daniela
“This book demystifies the techniques used by modern surreal photographers, whether they favour straight-out-of-the-camera surrealism or sophisticated digital manipulations for creating extraodinary scenes. With contributions from numerous artists, including Natalie Dybisz, Jon Jacobsen and Patrick Desmet, readers will be able to explore many different styles, from impossible landscapes to unsettling portraits.” (Adapted from the Catalogue)

Feast for the eyes : the story of food in photography / Bright, Susan
“Food has been a much-photographed subject throughout the history of photography, across genres, including art and advertising. This is the first book to survey the rich history of food in photography, and the photographers who developed new ways of describing food in pictures. Through key images, Susan Bright explores the important figures and movements of food photography to provide an essential primer, from the earliest photographers to contemporary artists.” (Catalogue)

A year in photography : Magnum Archive
“Presents some of the greatest images from Magnum, the world’s most prestigious photo agency, founded by Heri Cartier-Bresson. IT’s an iconic international photographic cooperative whose members have captured a curiosity of what’s going on in this world as well as individual moment. Covering over 60 years and almost the entire globe, these 365 iconic moments are guaranteed to inspire and amaze you.” (Adapted from the Catalogue)

The world atlas of street photography / Higgins, Jackie
“This book focuses on the abundance of photography that has been created on street corners around the globe; it includes documentary street photography, urban landscapes, staged performances, and sculpture photography. It puts together street photography and atlas not via a cartographic birds-eye view but through a more intimate, human centred view.  From New York to New Delhi, Beijing to Brighton, Havana to Hamburg, and Sye.” (Adapted from the Catalogue)

Street photography now / Howarth, Sophie
“Included are luminaries such as Magnum members Bruce Gilden, Martin Parr, and Alex Webb (who are still “seeing what is invisible to others,” as Robert Frank put it), along with an international group of emerging photographers whose individual biographies illuminate the stories behind their pictures of New York, Tokyo, Delhi, or Dakar. (Adapted from Amazon.com)


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