Kiritaki Noho Whare - Books at Home
Our Books at Home Service is a free service for people who are unable to get to a library themselves, permanently.

What can be borrowed?
All library materials may be borrowed through the service, including large print books, talking books, music on compact discs, DVDs and magazines.
How does the service work?
- Prospective residents are interviewed in their own homes to establish eligibility and a reading/listening profile
- Selections are made by the staff at the Books at Home office, and are then delivered at six-weekly intervals
- Items listed, or any other titles can be requested
Deliveries are done by police-checked volunteers from the community.
If you would prefer to nominate a family member, neighbour or friend to borrow on your behalf and deliver your items, please talk with our staff (contact details further below) about our Community Agent scheme.
Residents of Wellington retirement villages or other centres for the elderly are also eligible for this service, either as individuals or, in some cases, through bulk collections supplied on a regular basis.
All of the above services are free of charge to Wellington residents who need to stay at home, permanently.
If you wish to join Wellington City Libraries as a Books at Home Borrower, would like to know more about the service, or would like to help by delivering selections to a Books at Home Borrower, please get in touch (details below).
Contact Books at Home
Have any questions about our Books at Home service? You can phone us on (04) 801 4044. Our office hours are 9.30am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Alternatively, you can email us -
Related Services
Library Express
Arrange for a selection of items (chosen by our librarians) to be delivered to you by courier. -
Home Delivery
Home Delivery is available as an option when you reserve individual items in our library catalogue (charges apply).