Wellington City Libraries

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Borrow Audio Gear

Libraries are no longer just places to get books. Need a PA system for a party, a speaking engagement, or a wedding? Playing a live or studio gig? Need to do some recording in the field, or hook up some gear to your laptop and make a new album at home? Our Libraries’ Music Equipment collection has what you need. We love Wellington music at Wellington City Libraries and we are here to help you make it.

To make a booking, fill out the Music Equipment form, telling us your details, specify the equipment you want to borrow (options below), accept the terms and conditions and a staff member will contact you to confirm your pickup time.

Music Equipment Form

For a detailed list of the Terms and Conditions for borrowing, click through to the form above.

What does it cost?

Music equipment charges and lending periods
Equipment Charge to borrow Loan Extension Fee
Big PA Kit $200 for 4 days * Currently discounted to $120 $50 per day
Small PA Kit $50 for 4 days $50 per day
AudioBox Kit $30 for 4 days $10 per day
Zoom Kit $30 for 4 days $10 per day
Microphone Kit $30 for 4 days $10 per day
The Deluge $50 for 7 days $10 per day
The PreSonus $50 for 4 days $10 per day