Customer Rights and Responsibilities

All visitors to Wellington City Libraries have a right to:
- Service that is courteous and respectful
- A safe and welcoming environment
Wellington City Libraries requires that all library visitors:
- Are courteous and respectful to staff and other patrons
- Treat the library environment with care and respect
Wellington City Libraries recognises the unique place of Māori as the indigenous people of Aotearoa, New Zealand. We embrace the values of aroha, manaakitanga, akoranga and whanaungatanga, honouring our obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi, as the founding document of Aotearoa/New Zealand, through consultation with Tangata Whenua.
We do not tolerate:
- Discriminatory or abusive language
- Physical confrontation, aggression, bullying or violence
- Behaviour that has a negative impact on others using the space
- Consumption of alcohol or drugs onsite
- Smoking or vaping (prohibited at all WCC sites)
For more detailed information please see our Code of Conduct and related policy documents.
Failure to honour your responsibilities may result in being asked to leave the library and repeated poor conduct may result in a ban from one or more sites.