Māori - Māori
All of our libraries have children's books in te reo Māori available to borrow, and many have special storytimes and other events in te reo too. Explore what's on offer below!

Pukapuka Hou - New books in te reo Māori
Events and Activities
Many of our libraries run events and activities in te reo Māori. Visit our event calendar to see the full list of upcoming events for tamariki featuring te reo Māori, or about te ao Māori.
All of our regular programmes for preschoolers, including Preschool Storytime and Baby Rock and Rhyme, include content in te reo Māori.
Whāngaia tō Tama Toa ki te pānui pukapuka! Nohinohi Reorua (Bilingual Little Ones) is one of our most popular programmes featuring pūrākau, pakiwaitara, waiata, karakia, and rotarota in te reo Māori for tamariki aged 2-6. Find out when and where it's happening in the table below:
Location | Day | Time |
Waitohi | Johnsonville |
1st Tuesday of the month |
10.30am |
Te Māhanga | Karori |
2nd Tuesday of the month |
10.30am |
Motu-kairangi | Miramar |
3rd Thursday of the month |
10.30am |
Ngā Puna Waiora | Newtown |
3rd Wednesday of the month |
10.30am |
Te Awa-a-Taia | Ruth Gotlieb (Kilbirnie) |
3rd Monday of the month |
10.30am |
Tawa Community Centre |
Last Wednesday of the month |
11.00am |
Stories Online
Our YouTube channel features a number of storytimes in te reo Māori and other videos, such as craft tutorials, celebrating te ao Māori.
Our Pakiwaitara Māori playlist is a great place to start exploring – check it out now!
Kōhikohinga Māori - Māori Collection
All of our branches contain books in te reo Māori, and about te ao Māori, for tamariki and whānau. Use the lists below to get started in exploring our collection, or ask your friendly local librarian for help next time you visit!
Pakiwaitara | Books in te reo Māori
These books are written entirely in te reo Māori, and range in difficulty from books for babies all the way up to chapter books for older tamariki.
Whakamāori | Books in translation
Here you'll find te reo editions of books that were first published in other languages. They range from picture books for pepī all the way to chapter books for older tamariki.
Pukapuka reorua | Bilingual readers
These books are written in a mixture of te reo Māori and te reo Ingarihi (English), making them a great choice for those who are building their fluency in te reo Māori.
Pukapuka pēpī | Books for babies
These books are written in te reo Māori and printed on sturdy board pages – perfect for little hands to explore!
Matareo | Learning te reo
These books will help you start your te reo Māori learning journey. You can also access a fun te reo course for kids with your library card on LanguageNut.
Pūrākau | Myths and Legends
These books contain Māori traditional legends, stories, and histories, and can be written in either te reo Māori or te reo Ingarihi (English), or both.
īPukapuka | eBooks
Visit Libby to find a selection of eBooks for tamariki in te reo Māori.