Here’s a Top 10 list of the most popular searches on the library’s Easyfind catalogue in January 2012, followed by some examples of “when good searches go wrong” (don’t try those at home).

Top 10 Easyfind Searches

  1. the hunger games
  2. hunger games
  3. harry potter
  4. tintin
  5. cherub
  6. downton abbey
  7. diary of a wimpy kid
  8. game of thrones
  9. geronimo stilton
  10. road code

Other interesting popular searches include: Eragon, Glee, Robert Muchamore, Cassandra Clare, Naruto, and building android apps.

Strays, Orphans and Waifs 🙁

  1. downtown abbey
  2. dairy of a wimpy kid
  3. the book theif
  4. kattyperry
  5. confessions of gerogia nicholson
  6. business inteligence
  7. blood promsie
  8. roald dahi
  9. fittle princesses fittle princsses fittl princsses
  10. the weeknd

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