Comics Comics Comics! Get them online now.

Announcing the arrival of ComicsPlus to our eBook collection.

We know how much you love comics – they fly off our library shelves every day. So you’ll be excited to hear about our new online comics service that you can get to on our website.

Through ComicsPlus you have unlimited access to thousands of digital super hero, manga, children and indie comics across a wide range of ages, from 80 different publishers.

There are no limits to how many comics you can borrow, and they are available to read 24/7 live streaming through the library website.

At the moment ComicsPlus is limited to desktop only but mobile usage should be on its way soon.

There are a few steps you need to take to get started on ComicsPlus. You can find out more by watching this handy slideshow.


Here are some of our favourite comics you can read online now: