Anne of Green Gables Prequel

Book CoverTo celebrate the 100th anniversary of the book Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery, a prequel to the Anne of Green Gables series has just been published. The book is called Before Green Gables : The Prequel to Anne of Green Gables by Budge Wilson (pretty original title, don’t you think?) and it is going to tell us all about what Anne got up to before she moved to Green Gables.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Anne of Green Gables and all the other books in the series. I even LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the DVD adaptations of the books (except for Anne of Green Gables : The Continuing Saga which really had nothing to do with the books what-so-ever) and most of all, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Gilbert Blythe (if you don’t know who he is, you should read the books and then you will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him too!).

What I’m not sure about is the idea of someone other than L. M. Montgomery writing another Anne book 100 years later. Because of that and because I am lazy and because there is absolutely no chance that Gilbert Blythe will feature in this book, I’m not going to read it….unless, someone else out there reads it first and tells me that it is the best (and I mean best) book ever! So, please, someone out there, give it a read and let me know what you think!

Follow this link for a list of all the Anne of Green Gables stuff that you can borrow from the library.