Libby formats

Business magazines on Libby

Digital platform Libby offers library users over 2000 eMagazine titles for reading — across all genres.
This includes 106 titles in a range of languages in the Business and Finance section plus 89 titles in News and Politics.

Within these sections you can find magazines such as :
Fast Company,
NZ Property Investor,
NZ Marketing,
NZ Business and management
(Business and Finance)
NZ Listener,
Guardian weekly,
New Yorker (News and Politics)

The menu at the bottom of screen helps you locate and navigate around the content.

Using the Refine option at the top right corner you can select language, subject and availability.
Once you’ve made a selection to access it, click on your selected title and then Borrow and at the prompts enter your library card details.  Open your selected magazine and start reading!

If you need more information please contact the Prosearch team at the library.  We can help you find information across a range of perspectives and resources.  All enquiries are treated in confidence.