The Zine Machine is at Arapaki!

Image of the Zine Machine at Arapaki Library

Image of the Zine Machine at Arapaki Library

The Lucky Drop Zine Machine is back, this time you can find it at our Arapaki Manners Street branch! This little zine machine will be at Arapaki for the next eight months, before heading on to the next destination in its grand tour of our library branches.

Photo of Zine Machine

The Lucky Drop is a vending machine, run by the local zine organisation Wellington Zinefest, which sells zines made by local Wellington zine-makers. The zines are priced between $1 – $5, and are sold in A6 and A7 sizes. If you are interested in having your zines stocked in the machine, please contact Wellington Zinefest on their site:

Every time the Lucky Drop changes location, it gets a shiny new look! This time it has been painted by Jewelia Howard (@glaciars), who has several of her zines for sale in the machine. Jewelia is an artist and creator based in Wellington. Her work is mainly focused on painting, drawing and digital creation, though she also enjoys experimenting with new mediums and trying different things. Jewelia is active in the New Zealand zine community and a member of the board of Wellington Zinefest. Her work mainly focuses on themes of nature, magic and folklore, with the occasional pop culture thrown in.”

Art by Jewelia Howard Painted on zine machine

As well as the Lucky Drop Zine Machine, Arapaki is also home to the largest zine lending collection in the Wellington City Library network. Our Newtown  and He Matapihi Molesworth Library branches also have zine lending collections. Our zines are free to borrow for three weeks, and can be renewed for another three weeks.

So what are you waiting for? Visit Arapaki today to read a zine or buy a zine! The Lucky Drop is the place to get your zine fix if you want to take them home forever!