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Teen Blog

Reading, Wellington, and whatever else – teenblog@wcl.govt.nz

Tag: Government

Three Strikes

As keen users of the internet you may already know this! But! In case you didn’t, and you know someone who downloads lots of movies, music, and television shows, then read this:

From the first of September the Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Act 2011 becomes law, meaning that if you’re caught downloading copyrighted material from dodgy places you – or whoever owns your internet connection – could get in a lot of trouble. The new law makes it easier for the copyright holders to get you, basically; you get two warnings, and then, if you’re caught again, you get fined (up to $15,000). Although it begins at the beginning of next month, any alleged infringements made 21 days before then can (and probably will!) be considered a mark against you. This means that any filesharing from the 11th of August will count. That is tomorrow!

Here are some handy links. Do tell people, since any kind of illegal downloading will endanger whoever pays for the internet connection used.

The Act in its entirety
Stuff news article about the Act
NZGamer article about the Act

Yes, Youth Minister

youth-parliament-logoYouth Parliament 2010 is beginning in July. To become a youth parliamentarian you must be selected by your local MP, or you could enter this competition being run by MP Phil Twyford. Youth Parliament can influence NZ policy and members learn allllll about government procedure and democracy.

Also, you can join the Youth Press Gallery to report on the Youth Parliamentarians. You must be a youth!