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Writers’ Blogs Part 2: read them for random insights

Last year I did a post about authors who blog (regularly). I’ve dredged up some more, which are rather enlightening (to varying degrees).

John Green, author of Paper Towns, published last year (which we quite liked), writes in a chirpy, humorous, self-deprecating fashion, and even reads comments and comments on them.

Megan McCafferty of Sloppy Firsts fame, has an interesting take on blogging. She’s called hers a (retro)blog, and she includes writing assignments and essays she produced in school (going back to the 1980s). You’ll also find articles she’s written on the Twilight saga, containing a hint that Marcus Flutie (from Sloppy Firsts, not Twilight) is based on a real person (or persons).

Susan Beth Pfeffer, author of the horribly harrowing (really, really) stories about what happens to the earth when the moon is knocked out of orbit by an asteroid (The Dead and the Gone, and Life As We Knew It).

Brent Hartinger updates his regularly (the key to keeping a good blog, that). 

Robin McKinley, author of Beauty and Sunshine (for those vampire fans). I love what she’s called her blog.

Ysabeau S Wilce, author of two of the coolest-titled books ever. Her website is pretty flash, too.

William Kostakis, who kindly responded to our questions last year.

And for those Bear Grylls fans, keep up with what the Bear is up to: http://beargrylls.blogspot.com/ 

Incidentally, the wonderful Neil Gaiman is going to win the 2008 Weblog Best Literature Blog Award, unless people start voting for Samuel Pepys (actually, I find Samuel rather dull).




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  1. woo! advertising 🙂 Susanne Gervay has a frequently updated blog as well, and those on MySpace can check out Jack Heath’s by searching/stalking 🙂

  2. You can read my blog at http://www.odyllicforce.blogspot.com

    Brian Keaney (author of Jacob’s Ladder, The Hollow People, The Haunting of Nathaniel Wolfe)

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