Ketea Dragons

In Ancient Greek mythology there is a sea dragon called ketea (singular ketos).

They are amphibious and have two flippers instead of legs. They have sleek bodies with hides covered in barnacles, and a long, tapering tail with a sea-weed like end.

Ketea have a long, pointy snout, long ears, sharp horns on their heads, and small sharp teeth. Although they live in the ocean around Greece, they can also survive on land.

Ketea obey Poseidon, Greek god of the sea, and he sends them to punish people who have offended him. They are ravenous and can never get enough to eat!

If you enjoyed this post and want to read more, you can find out more about dragons in The Dragon Companion: An Encyclopedia by Carole Wilkinson. All the facts in this post were taken from this book.


Some new books about dragons that you might like to read are:

The Dreadful Dragon by Kaye Umansky

Dragon Boogie by Erik Craddick

Fangbone!, third-grade barbarian by Michael Rex

How to Seize a Dragon’s Jewel by Cressida Cowell

Iron Hearted Violet by Kelly Regan Barnhill

Secrets of the Dragon World by S. A. Caldwell



Dragons: Ancient Greek Dragons

The dragons of ancient Greece were like huge serpents. They had no wings or legs.  The English word dragon comes from the Greek word “drakon.” This word originally meant huge serpent.


Ancient Greek dragons lived in caves near water. They often guarded springs, shrines and treasures. They had excellent eyesight and often slept with their eyes open.


They could grow up to forty metres in length and their body contained poisonous black gore. They had a golden crest on top of their head that flashed light and a triple-forked tongue that absorbed nutrients to make venom.


They would kill their victims by injecting venom into them with their fangs, or by squeezing them to death. They also made a blood-chilling hissing sound.


Are you interested in dragons? We’ve got lots of dragon books in the library.