Dear Alien, let me tell you about Earth!

A UFO has just landed outside your bedroom window.  Out steps an Alien.  He’s green with a bright red ball glowing on the top of his cone shaped head.

He walks towards your window.!

He can see you.!

You’re scared!

You can’t move!

What does he want?

He speaks and blue bubbles come out of his mouth – but you can hear his question inside your head.

“Tell me about Earth?”

WOW, what are you going to do? Jump out of your bedroom window and talk to it or turn tail and run away as fast as you can.

What do you think about Aliens. Do you think there are other beings living out in space? It’s a really interesting question and lots of people have different thoughts about it.

If you would like to learn more about Aliens you might like to check out some of these non-fiction books at the library.






Or maybe you like reading fiction stories about Aliens so why not take a look at these really spacey reads.






Is something out there!!!!!!!!!!