Danger! Open with extreme caution!

Here is another great book about fearsome facts and startling stats. It is filled with peril, risk and suspense and believe me it is all true.

Find out about the most dangerous mathematical formula in history.

Discover the secret to surviving a savage shark attack.

Visit a fast food restaurant that serves up a deadly menu.

While reading this book I learnt a gross fact so be warned before you read this.

In 1804, American doctor Stubbins Ffirth performed some revolting experiments to test his idea that deadly yellow fever was not infectious. He drank bloody black vomit from a fever patient and rubbed it into his eyes. He didn’t get infected, so he considered his case proven. We now know that the disease is spread by mosquitoes.

Would you do that???

This is an awesome book. So go on, sneak a peek, I dare you!