Johnsonville BookSeekers

Our February BookSeeker meeting was full of laughs as we started off the new year with all things humourous. Jokes, rhymes, funny stories – it was all there.

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We started the session by making our own jokes. Here are the instructions so have a go at making one yourselves!

  1. Make a list of animals and food. Call it List A
  2. Make a list of places you can go or things you can do. Call it List B
  3. Think of a word or phrase to describe the animals and food in List A.   Call it List C
  4. Think of a word or phrase to describe the places and things you can do in List B. Call it List D

Now make your joke.

What is ___________ and ___________?

Fill in the gaps with a word from List C and a word or phrase from List D.

Use the words from List A and B to make the punchline.

Here is an example

Question: What is Pink and burps?

Answer: A pig drinking a milkshake.

List A: Pig  List B: Drinking a milkshake  List C: Pink  List D Burping

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