Egyptians: Gods & Goddesses

The Egyptians worshipped hundreds of gods and goddesses. Many of the gods were represented by animals.


The main Egyptian god was Amun-Re, the sun-god. He was king of the gods and protector of the pharaoh. The Egyptians believed the sun god was responsible for all creation: people, animals, the fertility of the soil, the pharaoh’s journey to the underworld.


Thoth was the moon-god, and he was represented by a bird because the curved beak looked like a crescent moon. He gave the Egyptians knowledge of writing, medicine, and mathematics. He was the patron of the scribes.


Osiris was god of the underworld and the afterlife.


Anubis had the head of a jackal and guarded the land of the dead. He was also the god of embalming.


Bastet was the daughter of the sun-god Amun-Re. She is known as the cat goddess because she is represented by cats. She represented the power of the sun to ripen crops.


The Egyptian pharaoh was said to embody the god Horus. Horus had a hawk’s head. The name Horus means “he who is far above.”


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17 Responses

  1. hamdey 31 July, 2008 / 11:03 pm

    The fact ancient Egyptian language The most talked about books Chambleon Madjae extensively in the book glossary ancient Egyptian civilization, written by six famous archaeologists in the world. These scientists are 🙁 1) George Posner (2) Serge Sonron (3) Jean-Toyota (4) a. A. O. Edwards (5) P. L. Lyonnaise (6) Jean Doris, “Chambleon” retained the carved elephants were found on the island in Aswan contains a cartridge ownership of the names of “Ptolemy and Cleopatra” involved in the characters (P, O, L) and benefited from the ancient texts of the author (unknown) to explain a mysterious!! ! He concluded that the value of sound ancient Egyptian symbols taken from the first letter of the name of the form that this represents a symbol. !!!! If they know “Chambleon” the code name search him Coptic language, is the symbol of that (figure) the first letter operative captain. Thus possible for “Chambleon” know the value of sound hieroglyphic symbols of the first letter of the word Coptic, says authors of the book: – The “Chambleon” Mullah vacant spaces in the hieroglyphic language “estimate” on the Greek word for Coptic central characters know it “Chambleon.” You can also solve the symbols (79 names) royalist different. Here clear that the (79 name), which translated “Chambleon” It was also said to the authors of the book on the San “Chambleon” speculation and that she was adopted scientific research to guess how this important scientific research due to the fact that “Chambleon” learn twelve different language in Twenty years were confused about the matter because it could become too crowded and how vocabulary and structures that had been made on his mind, and complements the authors of the book, “The Chambleon” launched to draw the lips) (characters because the views of the Copts were opening the mouth (Ro). And launched live on bread-making) (V characters because the Egyptian Copts were opening on bread (Toot). Reliance on the first letter as an “Chambleon” of the spoken word captain does not take evidence on the interpretation of the alphabet is often no animals, birds have more than one name starts Göktürk Fabricated Dependence on the first letter of the form of animal or bird as he did “Chambleon” sign a researcher at the reader mistakes can not be redressed. To Chambleon affected by the Coptic language learned in childhood and its dependence on alternative characters in hieroglyph translation of the line through the cartridge of the king Potolemaic “Ptolemy” and another for the queen “Cleopatra” when the view painted “Assad” This form () in the cartridge that a verbatim translation (L) because: — “Lion” in the Coptic language begins with a letter L Laboi. In English and French read Lion. Well as in Arabic called Leith and his wife called a lioness. In the Italian Leone. In German Lowe. Fayallatynet and Leo. In classical Greek èwv? . Because the “Lion” begins with a letter of the (L) in each of these languages modern interpretation “Chambleon” as the characters (L). Mentality and logic how establishes researcher assets ancient Egypt as a language characterized by its old civilization (7000 years) almost assets languages Modern age does not exceed the (1000 year), it is almost impossible to talk to the old building because ever since ancient times estimated (7000 years), how far to rephrase again on talk that does not exceed the (1000 year) European language. The fact that the scientific origin of European languages descended from Latin mother that she was no more than three thousand years ago and if our search for “lion” who was adopting “Chambleon

  2. mauni 4 October, 2008 / 4:28 pm

    hello im trying to find my daughters name (Azzera Rayne ) in hyro. im also looking for pictures of isas & anubis im there formal dress. if u might be able please help
    thank you

  3. haley 11 November, 2008 / 2:25 am

    this is weird!

  4. Anonymous 26 November, 2008 / 10:00 pm

    i agree

  5. Sophie aka Sofa 26 November, 2008 / 10:01 pm

    Heyyy i agree with haley.

  6. Super star 1 December, 2008 / 10:43 am

    i agree

  7. Pandalovr 7 December, 2008 / 7:17 am

    im doing a report on egyptian deities, i have to mention the seven main ones. Which ones should i choose? HELP!!

  8. rebecca 6 January, 2009 / 10:47 am

    does anyone know the parents of the sun goddesses re???

  9. rebecca 6 January, 2009 / 10:49 am

    or the child i have a really important report on the goddesses & gods of Egypt!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Katie 3 December, 2009 / 9:10 am

    I’m doing a report on a egyptian gods i need a god that has a name that starts with l – please reply

  11. christina 28 August, 2012 / 8:00 pm

    i’m doin a report on egypt n i need more facts,….plez…these are great facts…lol

  12. dfgcghh 1 September, 2012 / 3:22 am


  13. hollie 29 October, 2012 / 9:20 am

    Katie a name that starts with I is isis

  14. js 10 November, 2012 / 7:51 am

    i dint understand

  15. summer nelson 16 January, 2013 / 3:36 am

    lol i dont know where i am right now all i know is its a blog

  16. Eve 31 January, 2013 / 7:05 pm

    This has nothin

  17. Re god of the sun 7 February, 2013 / 3:19 am

    This is all wrong just ask a god
    Ps (I’m a god)

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