Moxy Maxwell does not love Stuart Little

book cover“Now, Moxy loved to read books. She loved books so much that sometimes she would stay up all night and read. It’s just that Moxy liked to read what she wanted to read and not what someone told her to read. And it wasn’t as if Moxy hadn’t tried to read ‘Stuart Little’. She had not been exaggerating (very much at all) when she had explained to her mother earlier today that the reason she hadn’t finished reading ‘Stuart Little’ had nothing to do with the fact that she had spent too little time with the book. ‘We’ve been practically like best friends all summer,’ she said. ‘Inseparable.’….. So why hasn’t Moxy read the book she was given by her teacher to read over the summer holidays?”


Moxy Maxwell does not love Stuart Little by Peggy Gifford is a funny book, a must read!