Libby available in Chinese : 中文版的Libby

It is now possible to use OverDrive’s award-winning app, Libby, in Simplified and in Traditional Chinese. If you already use Simplified or Traditional Chinese with your device, Libby will automatically browse, search and display account information in that language now. By changing the default language on your device within the settings, you can then view Libby in your newly chosen language.
现在可以用简体或者繁体中文来使用Overdrive获奖的 app Libby了。 如果您的设备本来就使用简体或者繁体中文的话,Libby会自动使用该语言进行浏览, 搜索或者显示您的账户信息。通过在设置里修改默认语言, 您就可以在Libby上使用所选择的语言。

We also have an eBook collection in Chinese on the OverDrive platform. To access the collection in your browser, go to our Overdrive website (this is a slightly different, alternate option for accessing the Overdrive platform — an alternative to the Libby website). Under the menu across the top left click on ‘Collections’, and then on ‘Chinese’ under ‘Special’. You should end up here Chinese Collection on Overdrive . The same collection is available on the Libby app. To find it on Libby, click on ‘Library’, and then click on ‘Explore’ — it is listed under ‘Guide: Chinese’.
在 Overdrive 平台上,我们也有中文电子书。您可以使用浏览器在 获取, 在菜单的左上方点击Collections 然后在“Special”下面点击“Chinese” ,您会看到 这个页面。Libby 上也有同样的书集。 途径是:点击“Library”, 然后点击“Explore”, 然后在“Guide: Chinese” 里面就能找到。

You can also read the OverDrive site in Simplified Chinese. Across the very top right of the page there is an arrow next to ‘English’. Click this to change the browsing language to Simplified Chinese.
您也可以在 Overdrive页面里用简体中文阅读。 在页面的最右上方,有一个箭头就在“English” 旁边, 点击该箭头把浏览语言改成简体中文即可。

Book Club eBooks now ready to read on Libby

I once facilitated a book group every month on a Friday afternoon at the wonderfully diverse Newtown library involving 8 book-loving, library users. We would discuss the ideas, plots, characters, sense of place and theme of each book like this would be our last, usually over coffee, tea and scones.

Now, that sense of communal engagement can continue on a larger scale with our first collection of always available digital Book Club titles through the eBook and audio-book reading app Libby.

Libby Book Club

We have hundreds of titles to choose from across adult fiction, Aotearoa, nonfiction, kids and teen audiences for discovery by book groups, for community reads, and fiery or friendly discussion. Expect thought-provoking reads across genres like mystery, science fiction, classic literature, poetry and award-winning fiction but also best-selling popular biographies, science and business nonfiction.

Here’s a quick selectors pick of 10 of some of the always available titles ready to read now:

  1. The Luminaries by Eleanor Cotton
  2. The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu
  3. The Bitterroots by C J Box
  4. When They Call You a Terrorist by Patrisse Khan-Cullors
  5. Hera Lindsay Bird by Hera Lindsay Bird
  6. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty
  7. Te Koparapara: An Introduction the the Maori World 
  8. Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
  9. Monster series by Michael Grant
  10. Mophead by Selina Tusitala Marsh

For even more options try our carefully chosen selection of over 370 classic novels by Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, Leo Tolstoy, Charles Dickens – an entire pantheon of always available literary classics.

For more information on how to get started with the Libby app, go to our eLibrary page or contact us here for further helpful assistance.

Finding World Languages

The Central Library was the main home of Wellington City Libraries’ adult World Languages Collection. So where can you find our collections of books in other languages for adult readers now that Central is closed? Below are a list of languages and the branches they can be found at. Enjoy!


Both fiction and non-fiction is available at our Kilbirnie branch


Lao Zhong yi / Gao, Mantang Both fiction and non-fiction is available at our Karori and Newtown branches, as well as our newly opened branch, Johnsonville Library at Waitohi.

We also have eBooks and eAudiobooks in Chinese available to borrow from anywhere through the Overdrive service. You can read them online through our website, or on your device through the Libby app. All you need to login is your library card number, and your 4 digit PIN.

Chinese eBooks & eAudiobooks


Both fiction and non-fiction is available at our Kilbirnie branch.


Amma. / Shinghal, RajjanBoth fiction and non-fiction is available at our Kilbirnie branch. Our newly opened branch, Johnsonville Library at Waitohi, has a collection in Hindi as well. Johnsonville also has the magazine, Grishobha, which is free to borrow for one week. Karori, Miramar, and Newtown branches also have this magazine.


Both fiction and non-fiction is available at our Newtown branch.


Both fiction and non-fiction is available at our Newtown branch.


Both fiction and non-fiction is available at our Kilbirnie branch.


Both fiction and non-fiction is available at our Kilbirnie branch.

Welcome to Excio!

Wellington City Libraries has partnered with local start-up Excio to bring amazing images to your Android smartphone or tablet home screen.

With the Excio app you can follow collections of images which can be used as wallpapers on the home screen of your device. The images link to our OverDrive eBooks/audiobooks and other library content, and you can even read OverDrive samples within the Excio app, as well as like and share book covers.

We have 20 genre/subject based collections on Excio which will be refreshed every couple of months. Enjoy a rotating collection of fantastic book cover images for your device wallpaper, discover new authors,  check out OverDrive eBooks and audiobooks, and share your favourites on social media.

By following our collections you can bring the library to you!

To get started, head to Google Play to download the Excio app.
The app is currently only available for Android devices, although the Excio team plans to develop an iOS app.

For more information check out the Excio FAQs – or if you need further help, email us at
